Humane Education Academy

Rabies Case Investigator

Tue 25 February 2025 8:00 am - Wed 26 February 2025 5:00 pm
Humane Education Academy

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This 16 hour course will focus on the importance of quality rabies investigations. Students can expect to be able to understand the Texas Rabies Laws as well as how to apply the basics of the laws to any difficult or complicated case they may come across in the field.

Day one will be spent understanding the epidemiology of the rabies virus, TXHSC 826, and TAC 169. We will discuss the components of both rabies exposure investigations as well as animal bites to humans. We will review all the rabies risk groups (high risk, low risk, other, and dogs, cats, & domestic ferrets). We will complete the day with proper rabies specimen prep and submission.

Day two we will continue discussing rabies investigations. Students will also learn about rabies transmissions, rates of incidents, as well as global, national, and state wide trends. We will discuss human and animal death and survival rates, and treatment. The second half of the day we will review several case studies with class discussion to tie together how a case comes together from initial investigation to final disposition. We will end the day with each student beginning their assigned practical. Each student will be assigned both a rabies exposure situation and a human rabies exposure they will have to fully investigate, write a report, complete associated paperwork, and write up the final resolution for both of their assigned cases.

Students will investigate the case assignments. During this time, they will be able to work with other students to help each other with their cases and have discussion. In the afternoon, each student will be presenting their cases to the class with time for discussion. The day will finish with students understanding the importance of public outreach and education as a critical part of reducing rabies exposures in their communities.


There will be an OPEN BOOK test at the end of class and students are required to bring either their ACO Basic Manual OR print out of Texas Health and Safety Code 826 and Texas Administrative Code 169. This will be required for the test and if you do come to class with one or the other, we will have Basic ACO Manuals and Texas ACO Law books for purchase.