Humane Education Academy

FTO for the ACO: Training the Trainer

Thu 27 March 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Humane Education Academy

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Training new Animal Control Officers can be a daunting task as our field continues to develop and evolve, yet there remains a lack of consistency with training protocol. This class will focus on developing a uniform, yet customizable training guideline which can fit within most all departments and agencies. The training guideline follows a basic four week FTO program which will cover all the needed basic information for anyone beginning with an agency. The objective in this class will be techniques on how to teach to different learning types, how to focus on what is important when working within a strict timeline, and the customizable timeline itself. At the completion of the class, a usb drive will be provided to each attendee, which will be pre-loaded with forms to take back to individual agencies to create ACO FTO programs.