Humane Education Academy

Report Writing Basics & Interpersonal Communication

Tue 7 January 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Humane Educators of Texas

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Report Writing:

Accurate and thorough documentation is a crucial aspect of an Animal Control Officer's duties, ranging from field notes, emails, seizure affidavits to formal incident reports. In this class we will discuss the importance of honestly, thoroughly and correctly reporting the details of an incident. The successful prosecution of an animal cruelty case (or any other incidents requiring a court hearing) can hinge on a solidly written report. Students will gain an understanding of content (who, what, when, where, why and how), narrative tense, report structure and evaluating a finished report.

Interpersonal Communications:

ACOs are typically trained in animal handling, capture and restraint, but we spend most of our day interacting with people. Improving communication skills will help ACOs to identify and solve community issues, increase compliance and will also reduce the number of public complaints.

This class will give ACOs the tools to recognize how their own emotional response which can affect their rapport with citizens. Being able to relate a concept so it can be easily understood by the listener is one of the primary skills needed for a successful career in Animal Welfare.

In this class we will discuss some barriers to productive conversations, how to overcome them and also the importance of approaching interactions as an opportunity to strengthen the Human-Animal Bond. As education is a primary function of our daily duties, being a proficient communicator will benefit all of those involved.