Humane Education Academy


Wed 19 February 2025 8:00 am - Thu 20 February 2025 5:00 pm
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

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PREREGISTRATION- Preregistration is open until course minimum is met. Once minimum is met, the course will be confirmed and all those who preregistered will be invoiced the course fee. If class minimum is not met at least 30 days before the course, it will be cancelled or rescheduled and you will be notified.

Course Location: Brazoria County Sheriff's Office 3602 CR 45, Angleton, TX 77515

DSHS Hours: $325

TCOLE Hours: $360

Dangerous Dogs are a common occurrence in Animal Control, however, many agencies are not well versed in the Texas Dangerous Dog laws. This class will focus on Texas Health & Safety Code 822 in regards to the Dangerous Dog laws for Texas. This is an in-depth, complex course combining lecture, discussion, and practical case work. In addition to TX Health & Safety Code 822, Sub-chapter D, we will also review Sub-chapters A, B, C, and E. Students will be required to attend both days of class and pass the exam to earn their certificate of completion. Class tuition includes paperwork samples and ordinance review for each agency in attendance.