Humane Education Academy

*BRAZORIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE * Crime Scene Management for the Animal Control Officer

Thu 13 March 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

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PREREGISTRATION- Preregistration is open until course minimum is met. Once minimum is met, the course will be confirmed and all those who preregistered will be invoiced the course fee. If class minimum is not met at least 30 days before the course, it will be cancelled or rescheduled and you will be notified.

Course Location: Brazoria County Sheriff's Office 3602 CR 45, Angleton, TX 77515

Course Fee: $225

Animal Control Officers are tasked with responding to a wide variety of calls involving the welfare of animals. Frequently, Animal Control Officers are the first to discover illegal activity involving these animals and the responsibility to properly document the details surrounding these calls can fall on their shoulders. With police agencies often having to "do more with less" it is feasible that sworn law enforcement may not be available to respond to these initial calls for service to assist in documenting and preserving evidence.

In cases such as these it is important that the responding Animal Control Officer be well versed and educated in evidence documentation and preservation techniques. This course is designed to introduce Animal Control Officers to basic Crime Scene Management techniques. This includes legal guidelines surrounding search and seizure laws, crime scene search techniques, basic crime scene photography, evidence marking and collection techniques, evidence packaging techniques, crime scene sketching techniques as well as basic online evidence collection and documentation.