Humane Education Academy

Local Rabies Control Authority (LRCA)

Fri 14 March 2025 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Brazoria County Sheriff's Office

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PREREGISTRATION- Preregistration is open until course minimum is met. Once minimum is met, the course will be confirmed and all those who preregistered will be invoiced the course fee. If class minimum is not met at least 30 days before the course, it will be cancelled or rescheduled and you will be notified.

Course Location: Brazoria County Sheriff's Office 3602 CR 45, Angleton, TX 77515

$200 ACOS: When checking out, choose the tickets labeled LRCA DSHS Hours.

$235 Peace Officers: When checking out, choose the tickets labeled LRCA TCOLE Hours.

This course is designed to be a comprehensive understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Local Rabies Control Authority. It is ideally suited for individuals who have been appointed LRCA, are going to be appointed, have been designated to similar roles by the LRCA, or supervisors who oversee the Animal Control Unit. We will begin the day with a detailed review of the rabies virus. We will discuss the history of the disease, the epidemiology, how it is spread, the statistics both domestic and globally, as well as current treatments. We will then go through all of TX Health and Safety Code, Chapter 826. Students can expect to gain a better understanding of the laws governing the control of rabies in Texas. After a break, we will then review TX Administrative Code 169.21-169.34. After lunch, we will discuss what the responsibilities of the LRCA are and the proper procedures for appointing the LRCA. We will then spend time reviewing bite and rabies exposure investigations. We will discuss several scenarios and review different forms of investigation paperwork. We will close out the day with case studies and practical exercise. Students will each be given a scenario which they will have to write out a complete investigation report with follow up